Onco-functional outcome after resection for eloquent glioblastoma (OFO): A propensity-score matched analysis of an international, multicenter, cohort study
Glioblastoma and radiotherapy: A multicenter AI study for Survival Predictions from MRI (GRASP study)
Prognostic and predictive impact of MGMT promoter methylation status in high risk grade II glioma...
Radical supra maximal resection for newly diagnosed left-sided eloquent glioblastoma...
Central nervous system tumors in adolescents and young adults: A society for Neuro-Oncology consensus review on diagnosis, management, and...
Interactive Effects of Molecular, Therapeutic, and Patient Factors on Outcome of DiffuseLow-xGrade Glioma
Effect of awake craniotomy in glioblastoma in eloquent areas (GLIOMAP)...
ASTRO recently published the guideline for the management of patients with brain metastases...
Patterns of T2-FLAIR discordance across a cohort of adult-type diffuse gliomas and deviations from the classic T2-FLAIR mismatch sign
Ventricular entry during surgical resection is associated with intracranial leptomeningeal ...
Cognitive preservation following awake mapping-based neurosurgery for low-grade gliomas...
Cellular telephone use and the risk of brain tumors: Update of the UK Million Women Study...